QuickRights is deeply rooted in the world of distribution. We use terms, conventions and slang used by distributors worldwide.
If you're a film distributor or sales agent, you'll quickly feel at home. We built QuickRights with you in mind.
But if you're a producer who is distributing your own films, a newbie in the field or anyone else who might benefit from a rights management software, read on.
Availabilities, or "avails" are films which are available for distribution under certain conditions.
When a potential buyer sees a film in a catalogue, it doesn't necessarily mean that those film could be licensed to her or him.
And no, it's not just a matter of price! Sometimes, they are not available because of other limitations.
In order for the distributor (or sales agent) to say "yes, the film is available", he or she will always ask the potential buyer "what rights do you need?"
then, the distributor will see whether she has the rights (in terms of permission) to offer the film.
The response (of the buyer) would usually include the following parameters:
- Territory: a country or a group of countries (e.g - DACH, German speaking countries to define a territory by language, or North America for a geographic definition of a territory).
- Platform: TV channels and their sub-divisions (paid, free to air etc.), VOD/OTT and their sub-divisions (pay per view, subscription VOD etc.) and dedicated, close circuit systems such as ships, airplanes and hotels.
- Exclusivity: a parameter which is usually inter-connected to a territory. EG- exclusive on X territory, non-exclusive on Y territory or any other combination.
Assets are the media files associated with a film.
Note that assets are not just the movie file!
Assets are divided to three main categories:
- Master file.
- Proxy / screeners.
- Assisting files / metadata.
That looks a bit vague... so let's demonstrate it with a few real life examples:
A file in high quality which a broadcaster will use to air a movie is MASTER file. Usually, it would be a large file and might require dedicated hardware. In most cases, it would be impossible to stream it or watch it from a mobile device. A good example is a ProRes file, whose size can be between 70-140 Gigabytes for a 50-100 minutes movie (and counting, as resolution goes higher every year). So such a master file will only be sent through QuickRights and played only when broadcast.

NOTE: Sending master files can be done through QuickRights Deliverables Manager .
When a potential buyer wants to watch a movie in order to asses it for purchase, they would usually ask for a SCREENER or PROXY, which is a low resolution file, which provides decent but not excellent quality and can be streamed easily.
A transcript of the film (also called. "dialogue"), cue sheet (timing of when the music starts and ends), credit list (director, producer, editor etc.), synopsis (film description), inserts (for the names and titles of interviewees, also called "supers"), production and release year, language/s spoken in the film, the original version of the poster with editable layers -- are all ASSISTING FILES / METADATA.

Some of those above assets are presented only to potential buyers. For example - screener of the film and trailer in streaming quality.
Some of the assets are only sent to a buyer after they have licensed the film. For example - the master file of the film.
Some of the assets are presented to BOTH potential buyers AND actual buyers (licensees). For example - synopsis and release date.
Assets Organization in QuickRights
The concept of ASSETS in QuickRights allows the distributor to set each asset a destination according to its purpose.
You can relate to the Assets as your repository, bucket or silo: a place where all files are stored equally and assigned a destination: are you a proxy file of the film? - Then you are set as "screener". Are you a master file? - Then you are set as a file to be sent to a buyer (through a Delivery Profile).
Deliverables are the files to be sent to a buyer after they have licensed a film.
During the negotiation process, the buyer had watched the film in low quality (screener) and saw the basic version of the poster.
Now that that they have licensed the film, they should get the source, master files: a high quality video fie in broadcast quality, an international version with separated channels, so dubbing can be inserted, an Illustrator or Photoshop files (with editable layers), so that the buyer can create a local version of the poster etc.
Deliverables are usually vey "heavy" in terms of file size. This is why QuickRights developed the Deliverables Manager, so that those files will not fail to transfer, even if there is a network interruption.
The Deliverables Manager allows distributors to give buyers (licensees) access to the master and assisting files.
The term is of course self-explanatory... But we will present its uniqueness in QuickRights:
A distributor and buyer (licensee) can sign an agreement or contract off line. But it helps to "tell" QuickRights that the deal was done and what are its terms.
Why should we enter the deal details in QuickRights?
For two main reasons:
- So that we know the avails had changed and not offer it mistakingly to another client in the same territory, in case (e.g) the deal is exclusive.
- Have an expiry date to the Deliverables. After an Agreement in QuickRights is set to end, the buyer (licensee) doesn't have access to the Deliverables anymore, unless the distributor gives the buyer an ad-hoc permission or the agreement is renewed or extended.
Avails, Assets, Deliverables and Agreements are the basic concepts of QuickRights.
We tried to explain them with practical examples and mentioned on the way some other concepts such as distributor, sales agent, master files, screeners, assisting files and metadata. The latter are elaborated in the Glossary.